So with the help of Hector, XE2K, I am now able to work HF from here in a couple of ways. The first challenge was the antenna. While there is strict prohibitions against transmitting antennas, there is nothing prohibiting flagpoles. So I got permission to put up a flagpole. The flagpole I bought was from ZeroFive antennas. I bought the 20 ft. version. which is resonant on 20m with no tuning. I am using 16 43ft. radials However, I also put a SGC remote tuner at the base, which tunes all bands from 10m - 30m. Hector, who is very good at expanding the capabilities of any antenna, suggested we add a radiating wire to the mix. So we cut a 43 ft. piece of wire, attached it to the flag fastener and hoisted it to the top of the pole and tied off the end, in an inverted V configuration. the two antennas now are resonant, with the tuner, 10m - 80m. While it's not optimum, it is functional and now I'm on the air. In the photo below you can see the flagpole and the wire that makes 40m and 80m possible.
Flagpole Antenna
Where there is a will, there is a way.
I have a dipole mounted in my attic in a sort of "Z" configuration. It is definitely a compromise arrangement, but I've worked over 100 countries and all states with it mostly at QRP levels. Chased a lot of SOTA goats, too. Being a CW op does help, too.
ReplyDelete73, Mike
Hello Mike, Very nice on getting up the flagpole antenna. I bet it works well with the SGC tuner. Hope to hear you on the air using the flagpole sometimes. 73, Dave K5MQ
ReplyDeleteHello Mike, good luck with the new antennas.
ReplyDeleteI worked for 10 years on 7 MHz with a Homebrew TRX of 500 mW and an inverted Vee of 2 x 10 meters on every holiday. It's great fun. 73, Bert